9 Photography Secrets for Budding Shutterbugs

CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

There are tons of photography secrets that most in the business won’t tell you. It’s not personal; there is just competition, and most take photos for business. But with the web, nothing is really a secret anymore. So, from mastering aperture to using Lightroom, here are some handy tips.

Aerial Shots are Easier than Ever

Maybe not now, but at some point in the future, you will want to make money with your images. It takes a while to get to the point where someone is willing to pay for your shots, but it’s not impossible. One of the best ways to make money is to master a niche style of photography. These days, aerial photography is an in-demand niche. This is because you need to master drones as well. Click here for some most comprehensive comparisons of the best drones available.

Photography Secrets and Aperture

Photography is becoming more popular by the day, with an estimated 1 trillion plus taken each year. This is mostly down to phones. But a phone camera, even the best one, will never take a picture as good as a quality DSLR. The reason is the control you have over the exposure triangle. But don’t worry about that for now. Consider using AV mode on your camera. This allows you to control the aperture for shallow depth-of-field shots with a stunning Bokeh effect. 

The Joys of a Slow Shutter Speed

Moving on from learning about the aperture, try experimenting with shutter speed. This is how long it takes for the shutter to fully open and close when you take a shot. The longer the time it takes, the longer the exposure. This allows more light into the frame. During daylight, this will wesh out an image. However, you can get stunning shots of well-composed scenes at night and capture things like the stars, galaxies and aurorae. Light painting is also a fun way to use shutter speed.

Play with Manual Mode

When you get familiar with your camera’s aperture mode (AV) and shutter speed priority mode (TV), it’s time to move onto Manual mode. However, don’t feel pressured to use manual mode. No one can tell if you used it or not, and even the best photographers in the world use TV and AV when they feel it’s necessary. Manual just gives you full control over everything. Because of this, it is hard to master and requires a lot of technical knowledge when it comes to your camera settings.

Control the Light and Image

The whole point of photography is to capture the perfect light. You will need to learn how to use your camera to get the results you want. The best technical settings can’t account for the light. They only help you capture it. Ensure you are in control of the light and not the other way around:

  • Gather LED lighting supplies for night photography.
  • Buy a remote shutter to keep the camera as still as possible.
  • Don’t rely too much on image stabilisation. It doesn’t work with a still camera!
  • Use the sun to your advantage for backlighting and front-facing shots.
  • Shoot real life portraits on a cloudy day for a more even and softer light.
  • Use diffusers, whether indoors or outdoors, for even lighting.
  • Invest in a Speedlite and off-camera flash, and learn how to use them!

When you can control the light, you can get the images and effects you want. Of course, you cannot control the sun. But there are methods you can use to enhance an image on a cloudy day or reduce sunlight when it’s bright. This all takes time, practice and patience, but you will get there eventually!

Focus on Lenses and Not the Camera

No one tells you this, but you don’t need the latest Canon, Sony or Nikon for taking great pictures! There are many older models available at much cheaper prices or used that you can choose from. What is essential is that the model you want can do what you need. But when it really comes down to it, it’s the lenses that are important. Most cameras do the same job. However, the final image quality is dependent on the lenses. Also be sure to check lens compatibility before buying!

Use a Tripod when Necessary

Tripods are essential for any photographer. The final image quality is affected by how much the camera shakes. This may not even be visible, but it does move. When taking hot shots, it is a great idea to invest in a lens with image stabilisation. This works wonders with your shots. However, you can’t depend on it all the time. In fact, it doesn’t work well with a stationary camera. So switch IS off when using a tripod! A remote shutter device will also be a big help to avoid camera shake.

Lightroom Photography Secrets

There is hardly a photographer alive who gets perfect shots every time. And even under strictly controlled conditions, there is almost always the need to edit the images. Almost all (but not all) professionals do this. The most popular method is using Adobe Lightroom. This allows you to edit RAW files and offers supreme control over the image. Using histogram settings you can control the blacks, whites and RGB values that come through for images that just “pop”!

Don’t Compare Your Work

As a photographer, you are an artist. An artist is an individual. It’s okay to have inspiration, but you will never be happy with what you produce if you compare it to another photographer’s. It won’t help at all, and it doesn’t make sense. A photographer you compare to may have thirty years of experience. Great photography comes with patience and practice. Learning technical settings, the exposure triangle and Lightroom editing will help you become a better Shutterbug!


Finding a niche to focus on, such as aerial shots with DJI drones, is among the photography secrets some don’t want you to know. However, you will need to learn how to control the light of your image to take shots that look professional and try not to compare your work to others.

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