Roseberry Topping

Stress-Busting Ways to Relax and Unwind

When you are trying to juggle work, family, socialising, exercising, completing your household chores, and a million other responsibilities, you can find that your stress levels shoot through the roof. And when you do get a few minutes to yourself, your mind can end up working overtime and you are unable to get the rest […]

NHS at 70

Thank You NHS

The NHS is 70 years old today. The very good reasons this vital service, that on the world stage we should extremely proud of, is always in the news. Funding issue aside I would like to dedicate this post to say thank you to the NHS for everything. Firstly, I was born in an NHS hospital. […]

Photos from June 2018

I’ve taken a shed-load of photos in June, mostly on my Galaxy S7, so I thought I would share some of my favourites. It’s worth saying that all these photos have been edited in some way to enhance them, but I usually do this sympathetically to the original image or what I saw with my eyes […]

father's day

A Father’s Day To Remember

Father’s Day 2018 – you were fabulous in all your normality. No huge fanfare or celebration, just a normal day with my family – just the way I like it. Of course, the day started with Helen getting up first (a rarity when she isn’t working), obviously to gee up the girls and get them ready […]

photo prints

Stop Holding Your Photos Hostage

It’s no secret I take a lot of photos, I mean A LOT! Collectively we have around 100,000 photos from our 20 years together. Let that number sink in a little – one hundred thousand. But as much as I love taking and editing photos, and often getting lost in browsing our collection I always […]

school classroom

We Moved Them To A New School

Three and a half years ago we moved away from our home and started a new life in the country. Doing that meant uprooting the girls and moving schools. At the time the eldest two were in years 5 and 4, the younger two in reception and nursey. At those ages it’s wasn’t such a […]