I needed a rest | The Yorkshire Dad of 4

I Needed a Rest

If you happened to read my blog post from yesterday then you will have seen that I was feeling a little jaded. Work, life and trying to jump into a challenging marathon training plan was getting to me a bit. The issue I was having with the plan (apart from simply having to follow one) was the lack of rest days.

At the time of writing that last blog, I did intend to get up and run the planned 4 miles. I did.

But, as I also mentioned, due to H working a night shift I didn’t settle well and sleep was in short supply. I don’t suppose putting Olympus Has Fallen on the TV at nearly midnight helped much!

What I had intended was to head out for a run as Helen got back from work. That didn’t happen.

Obviously I woke up tired and my legs were aching (side note: I really need to roller my legs). I decided that today would be a rest day.

Surprisingly I was at peace with my decision.

Usually, I feel guilty for not running. But I do understand that, especially with a heavy training block, that rest days are a necessity and not a nice to have.

This would be a good time to say I don’t agree with RED (run every day) January (or any other month for that matter). It will cause injury to lots of people. I developed my Achilles issues last year from running every day and overtraining.

So, I’ve been looking at my marathon training plan and I’ve decided I am going to give it a tweak. I shall make it fit better with my schedule and around family and work. The main thing being that Friday is now a rest day every week!

Sometimes it’s good to rest. Listen to your body, you should try it.

Thanks for reading


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