My Moment on BBC Radio 2

I am a BBC Radio 2 listener. I have been for some time now. Back when Chris Moyles was on Radio 1 I would listen to him, but I’d already converted to BBC Radio 2 for the rest of the day. When Moyles left Radio 1 I realised that I was no longer in their target demographic, and to be honest I hard started to dislike their playlists, so I moved over the BBC Radio 2.

A number of shows on Radio 2 have quizzes where the contestants appear live on air. This is something I’ve never tried to get on. I did once get through to the Drivetime All Request Friday back when Chris Evans did the show, but sadly they never chose to use my pick.

Now, when Radio recently shuffled the shows from Drivetime onward I wasn’t overly pleased with the Jo While and Simon May pairing. I always enjoyed Simon Mayo’s Drivetime show and this did seem a little contrived to me. Anyways, it’s grown on me as I often have the radio on into the evening.

End of days

Once things I enjoy about the show it the End of Days quiz they do each evening. It’s a bit of fun really. The questions are based on the more light-hearted news stories from the day or about the guest they’ve had in. You win a badge and the chance to pick the first song on All Request Friday at the end of the week.

To be the winner you need to have the highest score from the week. All very simple stuff.

Quite often I am in the car when the quiz is on picking up the girls from dancing. Usual,ly I score really well, usually getting between 6 and 9 points. So, randomly this last Monday I called when they put the request out for someone to play.

I am amazed that my call was answered. The researcher, Ellie, asked me some questions about me and said she would called back after 7 if they wanted me to play. I really did think they would ring back. But, they rang back.

Getting on the radio

Ellie called me back again at about 7:25, she briefed me and said the next voice I would hear would be the producer. Sure enough, on came the producer. After that, I would be on air.

When you’re on hold to Radio 2 you are listening to the broadcast. So, there I was in the case listening to Radio 2 on the phone when Simon Mayo introduced me.

I remember I waffled a bit. I was a tiny bit nervous but I think I came across OK.

You can listen again to my appearance by clicking here. Skip forward to 2:26:00.

How did I do in the quiz?

The 90 seconds flew by. I did get one question wrong. It was a 50/50 multiple choice that I had to guess. But I came away with 7 points. I even had the audacity to correct one of the questions.

When Simon asked me “which dancer from Strictly Come Dancing had been on with Chris this morning”, I answered correctly – Anton Du Beke. But I then also pointed out that it wasn’t Chris (Evans) presenting that morning – it was Sara Cox! Really, I think a bonus point was due there!

I was given a choice of badges, so went with the “I Love the 1980s” options!

Waiting to see if I won

On the Thursday afternoon, another researcher from Radio 2 called me to asked me to think of 5 possible songs for All Request Friday, in case I won. I had a couple in mind but it took me an hour to think of the 5 and email her back!

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I listened in to the other three players. I will admit to feeling a certain amount of competitiveness in that I was happy when they didn’t beat my score. I was also relieved as I’m not sure I would have got 7 points on the other days.

On Thursday I listened and realised I’d won.

All request Friday

On Friday lunchtime I was called by Ellie from Radio 2 again.  This time it was to record me introducing the song they’d chosen from my list of 5. I then tuned in to listen to myself introduce Shut Up and Dance” by Walk The Moon.

I chose that song because the two dance showcases that the girls have been in used the song in the finale. It’s upbeat and reminds me of those shows and their dancing. I also love singing along to it loudly.

So that was how I came to appear on BBC Radio 2 and my 5 minutes of fame!

Listen to my opening track on All request Friday.

My Prize Arrived

A week to the day since my appearance on BBC Radio 2 I received my 1980s badge through the post and a sign Simon May & Jo While picture car. Strangely only Simon May had signed it. Oddly, earlier that morning I’d also seen the news that Simon May was leaving Radio 2.

BBC Radio 2, Simon Mayo, Jo Whiley, The Yorkshire Dad of Four

Thanks for reading.



One thought on “My Moment on BBC Radio 2”

  1. Well done David. Never done a radio quiz myself although I was once asked on air how much the tooth fairy used to brig me, which was a bit random! I shall be listening out for you in future.

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