Delilah has never had swimming lessons for one reason or another. I’ve taught her so far and tonight she did an aquathlon. She swam 100m using a beautiful breast stroke and her woggle. She then ran a lap of a large cricket field. So proud of her and her sisters who did longer distances tonight. […]

Thanks for watching! Lots happening today but mainly my stressed head, a run and then a nice dog walk with the girls after work where I nearly fell down a banking. Please like the video, share it and subscribe to our channel if you have already (if you have then thanks). ————————————————————- Follow me on […]

Hi guys and thanks for watching. Today didn’t turn out as planned, but still we had a great day. Hope you did too! Enjoy 🙂 Please like the video, share it and subscribe to our channel if you have already (if you have then thanks). ————————————————————- Follow me on social media: Website: […]

Love old books and the smell of old books. This ancient history book was printed in 1827 and came in the box of books Helen bought at auction. #books #oldbooks #auction

Thanks for taking the time to watch my vlog, we all really appreciate it. In today’s episode I make perfect Yorkshire puddings (after all the Yorkshire Dad must be able to make them), we go into the woods for a walk and we do the dreaded task of cleaning out the garage. Please like the […]