Every now and then you see something that is truly mind-blowing. A film, a TV show, a play or even a musical. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does you revel in it. One such thing, that I implore you to seek out and watch, is Peter Jackson’s They Shall Not Grow Old. If you’ve not […]
Category: Films & Movies
Some Films I’d Recommend
I’m hardly Barry Norman and thankfully I’m not Jonathon Ross but I do love a good film. Often my taste in films sits at around the 3 stars out of five mark on IMDB. In fact the running joke with Helen and I is that the worse review a film has the more likely we […]
A Happy Musical Christmas
You may have noticed my post on Instagram recently where I had bought this years Christmas Radio Times. We don’t generally buy TV listings magazines, and nor do we buy the weekend newspapers that usually contain their own variety so it’s not often we plan ahead what we watch on TV. In fact, for over […]