Up-cycled some old jeans into shorts (or could that be down cycled or short cycled?). Always loved these jeans but didn’t like the holes in the knee look so decided to lob off the legs and go short. Went shorter than planned due toy haste to do it bit still like them. #upcycle #recycle #denim […]

Another Monday already? Day 29 of the #runstreak. Not much effort in this mornings run to be frank but who cares? #run #running #runningwithdogs #runnersofinstagram #northyorkshire #Ryedale #activelife #getoutdoors http://ift.tt/2t6z4lJ

A nice steady run around our lovely woods and countryside. Slightly spoiled by the 4 bags of dog poo left dangling on atolls I crossed. Don’t worry you irresponsible dog owners I collected them and put them in one of the many dog waste bins available. #run #running #runningwithdogs #northyorkshire #Ryedale #activelife #getoutside #justdoit http://ift.tt/2tfl4Km

Early run for me today as no Park Run possible. This morning we’ve got the last watching week session of the term at dance (a 4 hour session!). #run #running #runningwithdogs #runwhenican #activelife #northyorkshire #getoutside #justdoit http://ift.tt/2t1fjM8