Embarking on a magical journey to Peking, I recently had the pleasure of attending the spectacular Aladdin pantomime at the Kirk Theatre in Pickering, brought to life by the extraordinary talents of the Pickering Musical Society and directed once again by Luke Arnold. From the seasoned society members to the vibrant newcomers, the entire cast […]
Author: Dave
Memories of a Toasted Currant Teacake
Isn’t it intriguing how a seemingly insignificant item can act as a catalyst, unravelling memories from the recesses of our minds, and vividly resurrecting experiences as though we are reliving them in the present moment? This enchanting phenomenon unfolds for me each time I savour a toasted currant teacake. Gazing at my breakfast, a toasted […]
He’s Back!
Tuesday 26th October – the day I last went for a run. That’s before today, that is. My running hiatus is over and I am back on the road. I never intended to take such an extended break away from running. In truth, the Yorkshire marathon broke me. I wasn’t fit enough and hadn’t done […]
Monday Monochrome: Sunrays Through The Clouds
Every Monday I will post a monochrome (black & white) photograph that I made. This week it is Sunrays Through The Clouds. I made this photograph while out walking my dogs along a path I’d not taken in a while. I’d forgotten what a marvellous view it was looking south across the Vale of Pickering. […]
I Spoke Too Soon – Covid Has Landed
The three words emanated from the downstairs bathroom from a crestfallen sounding voice – “I’ve got Covid!”. And there it was, the last bastion of defence against our virulent insurgent had fallen. Coronavirus has infiltrated The Yorkshire Dad household. Was my post, just days ago, talking about how we had somehow avoided any one of […]
How I Saved £15 on My Amazon Prime Renewal
A simple tweet is what started this little challenge with Amazon. Someone I mutually follow on Twitter was documenting an issue he was having with Amazon renewing his Amazon Prime subscription – except he wasn’t actually subscribed. This wasn’t my issue, I happily subscribe to the service for the Prime Video and free delivery. What […]
Is Covid Closing In?
We’re 19 months into the global COVID-19 pandemic and so far none of us has contracted it. When you look at our family and life in general it really does surprise me just how we’ve avoided it this far. Every day, for weeks, we’ve heard about someone we know having coronavirus. Every day. Some of […]
Let the Bubble See The Squeak
I grew up in a typical Yorkshire home where every Sunday we would sit down as a family to eat our Sunday dinner together. But my memories of this long-standing family tradition are of the following day’s tea time when my Mum would prepare a fry-up – otherwise known as bubble and squeak. Invariably, our […]
I don’t like Halloween but…
Halloween isn’t really my thing. Certainly, when I was a kid it wasn’t as big a deal in the UK as it is now. Of course, it’s been driven to what it is by commercialism and somehow trying to recreate what it is across the Atlantic in the US and Canada. But, I like to […]
Waitress at the Sunderland Empire
Who put the wait in Waitress? Well, Covid I guess. But it was worth the wait indeed and to finally be back inside a theatre and watching talented people do their thing was amazing. You really don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone and not going to shows for the past 18 months and […]