This was last nights tea*. I forgot to post it last night because once I’d read with the girls, cleaned up and got H’s tea ready for when she got home I was pooped and just vegged out on the sofa watching @benfogle’s New Lives in the Wild dreaming of living in a far off forest.
This recipe originally came from a Slimming World magazine years ago. (Disclaimer: I have adapted it slightly so it’s not necessarily SW friendly anymore!) Basically it’s chips with cubed Spam (tinned ham), cherry tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, basil, cheddar cheese and eggs (+ salt & pepper). Apart from pre-boiling the chips for 10 minutes this is all mixed up in a roaster and whacked in the oven at 200 C for 30 minutes (apart from the egg, crack them over the top with 10 minutes to go). To be honest you could throw all sorts in there such a corgette, peppers, butternut squash….it’s a pretty easy going meal. I served this up with some slices of baguette (buttered of course) and it makes for a super tasty, filling meal for a family that is easting at different times! It’s also pretty low cost at roughly £1 per serving. (* for those not acustomed to the Yorkshire ways: tea = dinner / dinner = lunch / supper = what you eat before going to bed)
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