During the dark period that the world is going through right now, celebrating running may well be low down on many people’s agendas. However, running is something that many people find comfort in during dark times. So, why not celebrate it?
What is Global Running Day?
Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages everyone to get moving. This day plays an important role, reminding us of the positives that running can offer and the power of unification. It’s mission seems more important than ever right now, as people everywhere attempt to stay active and healthy. During these challenging times, many people are turning to running as a solution to help release anxiety, gain perspective, cope with cabin fever, and keep up wellbeing.
(Source: https://globalrunningday.org/)
I’ve been running for 9 years now and frankly, I can’t even imagine not running now. Thinking about the time in my life before running (BR) brings so many happy memories as it was when all my daughters were born and I married my wife. But I look back and wish I’d discovered I loved running earlier in life. I could have been running with the babies in the pram or grabbed a cheeky 5k on the morning of our wedding day.
What does running mean to me?
While I was running (obviously) recently I came up with this:
Running in my religion and the trail is my church
I’m not a religious person on the conventional sense (yes, I am Christened and yes I got married in a church) but I guess that running is the closest thing I have to a religious belief.
While I am running it’s just me and the road or trail (plus the dog, can’t forget Duke). I take my problems and worries out with me and I process my thoughts. It keeps me grounded and allows be a channel to vent my frustrations, anger even.
But it’s not just about the mental aspect.
Running has given me a level of fitness I never used to have. Despite the fact I still eat what the heck I want to (currently eating a Twix as I type this), running leaves me feeling fit and healthy.
I’m a lone wolf (or lonely goat) when it comes to running. It’s not that I don’t like running with others, I’ve never really tried it, but I do prefer my own company. So, aside from the dog, I am spending this time by myself so it is my “me time”.
If I weren’t a runner…
I’d probably be a cyclist!
I do have a bike and I do get out on it, but nowhere near enough really. Certainly running is my preference.
I always enjoyed walking so maybe if I hadn’t found running I would have been a rambler.
But, I am a runner…
Yes. Yes I am.
Today it rained for the first time in weeks. I went from running in flimsy shorts and a vest plus my water bladder backpack to 2-in-1 shorts, t-shirt, rain jacket and buff! I couldn’t have cared less that it was raining – I still went out and did 5 miles on the trails.
Go on, run…
If I can inspire just one person to go out and try running for the first time (well, since the school cross country that is) then I will be a happy man. It probably the sinlg most accessible sport that a person that take up.
Yes, the market is flooded with gear from shoes to watches, headbands to water vests, short to heart rate monitors. But, when I started running I had an old pair of shorts, a cotton t-shirt and a pair of Reebok trainers. You don’t need all the gear (I mean, gear is nice and all that) to get started.
So, do you, your mind and your body some good and get out and run.