While Monday is meant to be a rest day it was anything but restful as we drove back home from The Lakes. It was a rough drive due to the traffic issues on the A66, in part caused by the Appleby Horse Fair and the roadworks (not sure what they were for). But that was Monday, and this post is about Tuesday.
Fartleks. It will be Fartleks on a Tuesday and much like last week I was enjoying them.
Again, I’ve not established a time or distance for my Fartleks sessions so this week 75 minutes felt about right. And it was.
9 miles run total and I felt it. Despite having a reduction in running over the weekend my legs were really feeling tired. I put this down to the copious amounts of driving I’ve done in the past week and I’m not convinced I’ve recovered from my impromptu attempt at running up Snowdon.
I once heard someone say that autumn marathons were better for training and it was all done through the summer months. Whoever said that was wrong! I’ve had more rainy runs since officially starting this training than I’ve had all year!
Running in the rain where it starts while you are already out is pretty easy, whereas setting off while it’s pouring down takes far more willpower. This run took willpower.
All in all, it was a good run and nice to get that kind of mileage in the legs. I took the dogs for a good hour-long walk around the woods at lunchtime and that really made me realise my legs were aching though.