How To Stay Sane During Lockdown | The Yorkshire Dad of 4

How To Stay Sane During Lockdown

There’s nothing like a global pandemic to make you feel like you are off track and a bit all over the place. When you have plans and you’re excited for the summer ahead, having to stay home and abide by lockdown rules can feel frustrating. Yet, this is something that we’re all going through and that we are all in together. And so, it’s really important to be able to ensure that we not only stay safe but also stay sane! It can be a trying time for us all and mental health is just so important for us all to be aware of. Not only that, but we have to be able to take the steps necessary to feel good and find some kind of happiness or calm during everything. So how do we do that?

Sometimes, you can be stressed out with everything that is going on in the world or the things that you have to do. And adding the idea of staying home to that can feel a little fragile. It can be something that scares you or makes you feel a little stuck or lost. But the trick is not to give into it. It’s easy to get sucked under the stressful moments, but you really do need to be able to slow down and create a plan of how you’re going to turn this around. Because there’s always a way that you can make a curse feel like a blessing. So let’s take a look at what you can do to stay sane during lockdown.

Manage Your Mindset

To start with, you’re going to want to work on that mindset of yours. When you’re instantly wanting to get stressed out and worry, it’s never going to be something that is great for you. Instead, you need to change your mindset. And this can take time. So it’s important to be patient with yourself and practice – because it will pay off.

Avoid Negativity

The next thing that you’re going to want to do here is try to stay away from negativity as much as you can. If you’re always reading the news or listening to people moan, it’s going to affect how you feel. Instead, you need to try and surround yourself with more positivity – which means staying away from anything negative.

Count Your Blessings

And then, you’re going to want to focus on the good. When you can cut the negativity out of your mind and aim to prioritize the things that make you feel good, it’s easier to be happy. One of the best things that you can do here is to be thankful. When you’re able to focus on everything that you have to be grateful for, it’s going to make you feel so much more content every single day. And yes, you can practice this all throughout the day.

Prioritize Sleep

Another thing that is going to help you here is to make sure that you’re feeling sane is to make sleep a priority. If you’re able to get a good amount of sleep and make sure that it’s quality, you’ll have more energy which can help you to feel good.

Start The Day Off Right

From here, you’re going to find that you do also need to ensure that you are starting the day off right. If you’re getting up late after snoozing the alarm and you’re feeling lethargic, it’s not going to be the best thing for you. But when you choose to develop a successful morning routine that can give you energy and make you feel good, it will make such a difference to you.

Commit To Exercise

Now, you’re then going to want to make sure that you’re exercising as much as you can. Nothing makes you feel amazing or alive compared to exercise. It can be really great for your mind and mental health. So exercise as much as you can.

Turn To Your Passions

The next thing that you’re going to want to do here, is consider the things that you love to do the most – and that you’ve always loved to do too. This can be such a range of things! When you’re pursuing your passions and spending more time on the things you love, you can feel better. It’s great to distract yourself with the things that you love to do. If not, you may feel bored. So commit that time and enjoy it – just because you can.

Try New Things

From here, the next thing that you can consider doing is just giving new things a try. If you’re always stuck in the rhythm of doing the same things, it’s easy to get bored or tired or both. Sometimes, in order to shake things up and for you to feel good, you have to break out of the cycle and just try new things. Whether that’s an online game or bookmaker, teaching yourself a language or a sport – it’s great to try new things. This can then become a highlight of your day.

Get Creative With Your Kids

And then there are the activities that you can do with your kids too. Being creative and painting or going on a fairy hunt can be really good for your mind and happiness, just as much as it is for them. So think outside the box and get creative with your time here.

Plan For The Future

Finally, you’re then going to want to make sure that you’re thinking ahead. Living in the moment and being present is really important – but it can only sustain you so far. If you want to make sure that you’re on track, making sure that you are focusing on the future can help. Visualise what the future will bring and what you can do to stay excited about the plans you have. From holidays and trips to different goals, this can help you to stay on track. It’s definitely one of the best ways to stay sane.

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