Is your Website Ineffective? Find out Here

If you have poured your heart and soul into your website but for some reason, you still aren’t getting clients then this is a major sign that something has to change. There are a lot of different reasons why you might not be getting sales, some of which can be found below.

Your Site Isn’t Getting Enough Traffic

Just like a store, there is no selling if people don’t come and visit you. If you don’t feel as though you are getting enough website visitors then the first thing you need to do is find out if you should be realistically expecting to make sales. You can find out how many visitors you are getting by exploring website analytic tools. Google Analytics is great here. The specific amount of visitors you need will vary depending on your industry as well as your service prices. Most importantly, it depends on where the traffic happens to be coming from too. As a general rule, even if you have a site that is optimized for conversions, you still need to get a few thousand visitors before you can expect to make a steady stream of profit.

Source: Pexels

Your Site is Not Getting the Right Audience

If your site has a good amount of visitors but you are still not making any sales then the problem may instead lie with the quality of traffic you are getting. At the end of the day, your site will only convert if you are getting people who match your target profiles. Use your analytical tools to find out if you can pinpoint where your audience is coming from, so you do not end up not attracting the right audience. If you are getting traffic but people are abandoning the cart, look into credit card processing API.

Your Website Doesn’t have a UVP

If you do not have a unique value proposition then this will work against you. A compelling and unique value proposition then this will make it difficult for you to get the right benefits. A compelling proposition helps you to secure your place in your prospect;’s minds, when they are looking at a number of service providers. It also gives them a reason to choose you, even if you charge more. If you want to help yourself here then you need to give some thought to the desirable outcome you want your clients to get and then make this happen through your site. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is easier for you to get the result you are going for.

Your Website Goal Isn’t Clear

Visitors won’t know what you want them to do unless you tell them. At the end of the day, your website goal is the most important action you can take. It may be that you want people to book a consultation or that you want them to buy a product. You may also want them to sign up with your mailing list. Some of the most common mistakes that make your website goal somewhat unclear include not having a call to action and having a subtle call to action. You may also find that you have too many goals, which can cause choice paralysis and lead to no action being taken at all, even if you have a keen user base.

Your Website Isn’t Lowering Uncertainty

Uncertainty is the main reason why people often hesitate to take action. As they consider you as their solution, you need to go through several questions. You need to ask them if this is right for them and how long it is going to take. You also need to ask how long it is going to take and what is going to happen next. If you can do this then you will soon find that it becomes easier for you to get the result you want. For a service business, you have to make sure that you include your deliverables as well as your process timeline. Testimonials that speak to outcomes are also important. Details such as this will help people to feel more confident and it will also lower their resistance when it comes to that next step.

You Don’t Provide Guidance

Imagine traveling to a city that doesn’t have a street sign. You would probably be a bit confused and you may not feel confident enough to explore the city. Navigation helps here, but you need more than a bar at the top. You need to talk your clients through the process and you also need to make sure that you don’t let people figure out everything by themselves.

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