Distance this week: 18.8km
Number of runs this week: 4
Distance to goal: 1970.1km
A better week than last week – I actually ran!
The week started with a short evening run with both dogs. Dottie is retired from running but I took her to make sure I didn’t go too fast as I hadn’t run for a week and I need to ease back in gently. The fact is not matter how slow I went Dottie could go slower!
Tuesday morning I went a little further (just Duke with me this time) but my right quad was giving me some issues.
I took Wednesday off as my quad still wasn’t right – just felt tight. It will wasn’t great on Thursday morning but in the evening I couldn’t wait any longer and headed out. It had snow heavily during the early hours so the surface was crunchy where the snow was icing over, slushy in places and where the snow was cleared it was treacherously icy. Great fun though. I got my leg caught in the dog lead that attached to my belt – how I didn’t hit the ground is beyond me!
On Saturday I had the chance to run in daylight for a change with Helen not at work so we split the dance run routine between us. This was a cracking run across the fields and through the woods with Duke in the snow. He LOVES the snow and I love running in it.
Overall with four runs this week I am pretty happy. My speed is not important (speed is almost impossible on snow anyway) as I am trying to build up again. A few friends did a 10 mile run in the snow on Sunday whereas I opted to take a break but felt a little jealous when I saw their photos. I did get out for a good walk with the dogs though which I always end up making more challenging than a dog walk should be!
I need to get some mileage under my belt now though if that target of 2000km in 2018 is to be achieved.
Are you a running that blogs? If so drop you link in the comments as I love to read about other runners experiences.
Thanks for reading.