Any parent knows that every second is a battle to keep your kids out of harm’s way. They love to explore the world by climbing around on stuff or poking their fingers into things so it’s up to you to make sure that the house is a safe environment for them at all times. Some […]
Tag: collab
A Rugged Look For The Rugged Man
The rugged man is definitely an interesting one. The rugged man is someone who likes to look smart, yet a bit rough around the edges. Go too rough, and you run the risk of looking like someone who doesn’t take care of themselves all too much. However, get it just right, and you’ll put something […]
Protect your family home with life insurance cover
Do you need life insurance? These are really difficult questions to answer and uncomfortable to ask, but what if you or your partner was no longer around? Could you: Afford mortgage repayments? What about household bills? Maintain your current standard of living? Who would look after the children? Would you have to go back to […]
Death Toll: How To Make Dying Less Expensive For Those Left Behind
Few of us like to think of our own death, let alone make financial plans. However, death can often be costly for those left behind. Whilst certain debts may be wiped off, there are still expenses such as funeral costs and inheritance tax that have to be paid for by someone. Taking measures to reduce […]
Daddy Does Business: What Do Employees Expect From You, Their Boss?
Being a dad will always be the most important role in your life. Still, building a successful business remains crucial for any entrepreneur. Utilising all assets to their maximum capabilities is top of the agenda. There is no doubt that employees are the greatest weapon in the arsenal. If you truly wish to see […]
Getting Motivated to Exercise from Home
Readers of my blog will know that I am a keen runner and love exercise. But what about home exercise at home for those that don’t like running? Exercising at home is very convenient, but it can also be very challenging. You are going to be your own fitness boss, and this is often the […]
Guiding Your Kids to School Success
Every parent wants to see their child do well at school, right? Every parents wants their child to fulfil their educational potential in order to set themselves up for whatever it is that comes after, right? Yes, this is right, but what is wrong is parents wanting this but doing nothing about it. What is […]
Quality Daddy Daughter Time
There’s nothing better than quality daddy daughter time. As your little daughters grow, the time you’ll be able to spend with them will gradually decrease. Before you know it they’ll be going through the troublesome teenage phase where dads are seen as the most uncool people on the planet, despite you maybe thinking you’re captain […]
Working In An Office Is No Excuse To Get Unfit
With more and more workforce stuck in offices, it could seem like a good idea to consider the health risks related to a desk position. While you may encounter a lot less work-related injuries – and that even includes pointy scissors and strong staplers – it doesn’t mean that working in an office is safe. […]