There’s been a distinct lack of running related content on the blog for the past couple of months. There’s a good reason for this. I haven’t been running! Call yourself a runner? You don’t run any more! Can I still call myself a runner if I am not running? Well yes, I can. I am […]
Tag: Kirkbymoorside 10k
Running Dad Diaries: April was a HUGE month
Setting myself the challenge of running 100 miles each month seemed to me like a reasonable one. But, in April I went way beyond that and I wasn’t really trying… The Kirkbymoorside 10K I’ve not written much on here for a couple of weeks now. Largely this has been due to the fact I am […]
Running Dad Diaries: 100 Miles in 20 Days
The first three weeks of April have proven to be some of the best running ever for me. I’ve felt motivated and wanted to put in the miles consistently. It’s no surprise then that I have clocked up my 100-mile goal in the first 3 weeks of the month. As well as my usual routes […]
Running Dad Diaries: Hitting the Wall
Hitting the wall is something us runners are used to. Cyclists have bonking (stop it at the back) and runners have the wall. It’s that point that your energy reserves are depleted, you feel like you have nothing left, you might even be considering giving up. The challenge with the wall is to push through it. My wall this […]