Why are school holidays so long? Children don’t need a six-week break
You know what? This got me thinking. Firstly I thought about my present, as a parent and a working parent at that. Fortunately my wife works in a school and thus child care in the holidays is not an issue for us so I’ll put that out there straight away. I guess if childcare in the holidays were an issues for us (and we have friends who struggle with this) then my view might be different.
I love the fact my girls get a 6 week break. Yes, there are times (more likely for my wife) that we wish they were back at school but by and large we enjoy them being home. I want to see them relax and enjoy their hobbies and not be constrained by the ever more stressful school life they have. Our government seem to have this idea that making things harder and testing at younger and younger ages will somehow produce a generation of better educated kids. Sorry, I don’t conform to that view and neither do many, many teachers. So yes, I love the fact they get a nice long break to do their own thing and most importantly of all to just be kids. To go out and explore, play, learn, develop, get mucky and enjoy life. Before long kids become adults and unless they enter a teaching or associated profession these long summer holidays will be a memory of childhood.
I then think about my childhood. I have so many fond memories of just enjoying the summer days with my mates. Yes, I suspect there were boring days but you know what – I can’t remember those. If my calling had only been teaching I would be enjoying the same summer holidays with my girls and getting up to all sorts of stuff and making memories.
Summer holidays needn’t be an expense fest for parents. Get out into the great outdoors and explore. Make memories………