So the end of another year is upon us. We’ll stay up til midnight and sing Auld Lang Syne, give each other a kiss and drink until the sun comes up. Yeah right! The chances are we’ll see in the new year tucked up in bed watching Netflix. Why do we hold the start of a new calendar year in such high regard?
No resolutions
I’ll admit that I used to do the whole New Year’s resolution thing and see it as a new start. But the truth is that we wake up each day and start afresh. With each rising of the sun, we have a chance to make the new day better than the previous.
So, I won’t be setting any New Year’s resolutions.
Plans, I have plenty of those though. But, these plans aren’t because the calendar now says 2019 at the top. There are things I want to achieve in 2019 and beyond, and matters to be resolved too. I have goals to reach and challenges to overcome.
12 chapters
But, of course, it’s natural to look back on the year that has passed. That’s the great thing about the Gregorian calendar, it breaks down our year nearly into 12 pieces. 12 chapters in another volume of our lives.
I look back on 2018 with pride. We made it through another year. We’re still alive and so are the girls. That’s sure is something to celebrate. On a more serious note, I do think 2018 was a great year. For a start, I really wanted to grow this blog, and I have. I’ve been consistent with it and I have been rewarded.
But also in 2018, I fell back in love – with photography. I’m more inspired than ever and I’m loving it. I’m looking forward to building on this in 2019 and beyond.
There are things about 2018 I’m not so proud of though. One is that our finances are still a mess and at times precarious. While I don’t believe money is everything it is a fact of modern existence. There are things in motion to deal with a huge burden we need rid of, and beyond that, we need to better manage our money. Not a resolution, a promise.
New friends
2018 saw me make some friends in the blogging world too. I even went and met up with them. Remember kids, don’t meet people off the internet! Seriously though, it was great to meet the acquaintance of David, Adam, Daddy Hew, Tom and Becka.
Another milestone reached was our eldest starting her GCSEs this year. Wow! Of course, nothing is ever quite plain sailing for us and we moved the girls to a different as secondary school too. But, fortune favours the brave and that bold decision seems to have paid off.
We had the amazing dance school showcase, which was amazing. Everything our girls do makes us proud. But seeing them perform always amplifies that feeling exponentially! There were more medals at festivals and fun times with the dance family.
Some epic days out
The blog has afforded us the privilege of some great days out too this year. Highlights are Lightwater Valley, Rock Up, York Chocolate Story and Go Ape. We’re forever grateful and looking forward to where it takes us in 2019.
Holiday of a lifetime
I couldn’t let a review (of sorts) post of 2018 pass without mentioning our huge family holiday to Kos back in September. Financially it broke us, but it was worth all the worry since so see our girls have the time of their lives. I wouldn’t change that for all the tea in China. We had the most amazing time with family and friends alike.
Special people
Sharing all that has passed with Helen and the girls is what makes life special. Whether it’s 2018 or not. Life in our family is what matters the most. I started this blog to chronical our lives and I will continue to do so.
Thank you
Thank you if you have taken the time to read any of my blog in 2018, it really does mean a lot. For any writer, having someone to read your work is the reason for writing in the first place.
Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading.