In a world where we are spending all of our time rushing around trying to be everything to everyone, sometimes, it’s good to slow down. We all spend a lot of time with our noses to the grindstone and trying to juggle everything that it’s really easy to be bogged down in a ton of stress and worry. The social media pressure we are all under takes a toll after a while, and we need to stop living in the screen lives of other people and start living our own lives instead. All we see plastered online is to “be kind”, but how often are you kind to yourself? It’s probably not as often as you think!
Below, we’ve put together a few tips to help you to be kind to yourself for a change. You can be as pressured with work and your social life, dealing with social media pressure and worry, but you can still take some time out to look after yourself. Let’s take a look:

Invest In You. When you’re looking after other people, it’s really easy to forget about yourself – but you really shouldn’t. It would help if you looked at how you can invest in yourself to feel good, whether that’s signing up with an online PT like Andy Griffiths, or joining a new sports team. You should do whatever you can to feel good and spoiling yourself is included here.
Slow Down. For just one day, do not pack your time with activities. Don’t hurry anywhere. Don’t go anywhere. Just slow right down and don’t put pressure on yourself to get everything done. It’s not necessary for one day. Sit and go through your Netflix queue and just binge it out. Walk to the beach or the park and go and find some warm sunshine to lounge in.
Give Yourself A Break. When you are working yourself hard, you can forget that you have limitations. Consistently pushing against your boundaries can mean that you spend a lot of time forgetting to give yourself a break and relax. Take yourself out of the busy moments and do something that’s completely different. Abseil down a cliff or bungee jump off a platform – whatever removes you from the stress, do it!
Make Time For Hobbies. Being kind to yourself means indulging in the things that you enjoy doing. This means reminding yourself that life isn’t just about work or stress. It’s about respecting that you have other interests and you could even discover new interests altogether. Making the time for yourself is a big part of showing yourself some kindness, and you can indulge in it without worrying that you’re getting it wrong.

Kindness is the preference for most people, but don’t forget to treat yourself kindly as well as treating others with kindness and respect. You are essential, and while it’s easy to get lost among all that which life throws at you, you can take a step back and a deep breath from time to time.