The Perfect Long Sunday Run | The Yorkshire Dad of 4

The Perfect Long Sunday Run

Perfection is an often overused word. In fact, is it possible to achieve perfection? Should we not aim for perfection and hope to catch excellence? Anyway, the long Sunday run – what can make that perfect? Today’s run really was pretty much perfect. Firstly, there was not a sniff of any rain at all. The […]

Mud, mud, river, mud | The Yorkshire Dad of 4

Mud, mud, river, mud

Once upon a time, I was not a runner. In fact, if we go back to my school cross country running days (the enforced ones, nothing voluntary) then you would recognise me as a running denier. If the thought of running was a heinous one, then the thought of a muddy run was simply unfathomable. […]

I Chuffin Hate Speed Work | The Yorkshire Dad of 4

I Chuffin Hate Speed Work

Speed work. Intervals Fartleks. Sprints. Call then what the chuff you like 0 I hate them. I am not a professional athlete but somehow I get swallowed up by the running bug and end up doing these sessions. Why? Why do I do speed work when I hate it? I love running. But I love […]

A Run Round Rosedale Railway | The Yorkshire Dad of 4

A Run Round Rosedale Railway

The remote hillsides of the valley of Rosedale in North Yorkshire once rang to the sounds of clangs and clatter of the ironstone industry. Nowadays all that remains are some stunning ruins of the kilns and the old railway trackbed. But that trackbed is a fantastic path for a run. Rather than go to parkrun […]

Castle Howard parkrun | The Yorkshire Dad of 4

The Sacrificial Run

Running with the kids can be great but then there are times it is not so great. I am talking about being a dad and a runner – a running dad. Being a dad will always come before anything else, and that means sometimes there has to be a sacrificial run. If there is one […]

Castle Howard Park Run | The Yorkshire Dad of 4

First Time at Castle Howard parkrun

It’s been 18 months since I last made an appearance at parkrun. Yesterday Lydia and I (oh don’t forget Duke) made it to Castle Howard parkrun. Here’s what I thought to one of the newest Park Run events out there. What with the girls’ dance classes on Saturday mornings and the fact Helen has worked […]