People have websites for different reasons, including business and for the fun of owning one. Websites are technology platforms that help you convey your message to the public. There are about 1.74 billion websites available on the internet globally, and many use WordPress to host them. Indeed, it can be a real challenge to make yours stand out. Whatever you decide to do with your website, the most important thing is to get the most out of it. Here is how.
- Improve your website’s page speed
Web users are known to spend so much time on pages they have an interest in. However, the time it takes to open that web page matters. According to surveys, 0 – 4 seconds is how long the average web user expects pages to open. Any longer than that, and you run the risk of losing more guests to your website. Page speed is an important part of your website, and until it is optimised, users will rank your site in their least preferred online groups. The quicker your pages open, the better it will be for your website and the interest you want to sustain.
Sometimes, the images you have on your website are heavy files, making it difficult for your page to open in under five seconds. If that is the case, you may want to re-check those files and their capacity. Usually, JPG files contain fewer data and are preferred for website pages. If your images are in PNG format, you should take another look at the compression processes. When you do all these, your page speed can be improved. You can use Google’s PageSpeed Insight tool to evaluate how quickly your web pages open.
- Regularly refresh your content
Have you wondered what makes you keep going back to your favourite websites? Have you checked how different the landing or home pages look every time you check? This is a common thing to see on well-monitored websites. You can do the same for yours by keeping an eye on your landing pages and sustaining people’s interest. To refresh your content, it is vital to take care of broken links on your pages and add new ones if required.
Secondly, remember to replace old images and videos on your pages. This is very important because outdated visuals may negatively impact your page speed. There are new ways to process, convert, and store visuals to enhance your website. It is also advisable to update your meta title as you refresh your page content.
- Incorporate AI features on your website, if needed
Artificial Intelligence is leading the way in technology, and websites are benefitting too. Businesses are incorporating AI on their websites because of the enhanced benefits offered. This is particularly in the area of online customer and client service. In the absence of human employees manning customer service 24/7, AI has come of great use for live chats.
With the right AI software, your website can become a fully-functional mouthpiece of your business at any time of the day. You can find out more web live chat software for your site if you are looking for ways to make the most of your online platform. When you incorporate AI on your website, it is vital to decide what you want it to do. For instance, determine if you want it only for your optimised pages or the entire website.