Parenting is no walk in the park, especially when your little trooper is battling pain. Whether it’s due to a chronic condition, a recent injury, or anything in between, seeing your child in discomfort can tug on your heartstrings harder than anything you’ve ever been hurt by before. But try not to worry because you need to be strong for your child, and to help you with that, here are some creative, compassionate, and occasionally unconventional ways to help your child navigate their painful episodes.
Listen Like Your Ears Are on Steroids
If your child is in pain, you are going to want to become an Olympic-level listener. Children often struggle to express what they’re feeling, especially when it comes to pain. Pay close attention not just to their words, but also to their non-verbal cues. Is there a grimace hidden behind a brave face? Keep your ears and eyes peeled.
Create a Comfort Cave
Transform a space in your home into a ‘comfort cave’ — a safe haven where your child can retreat when the pain becomes overwhelming. Stock it with their favourite cushions, a plush throw, and perhaps a gentle light source like a lava lamp. It’s like a fortress of solitude but with fewer capes and more comfort.
Distract, Distract, Distract
When in pain, a child’s mind can become their worst enemy. Help them channel their focus elsewhere. Whether it’s a riveting board game, a captivating craft project, or an impromptu puppet show, distraction can be a powerful tool. Just be mindful not to start your amateur ventriloquist act with a sock — it may end up being used against you.
Embrace the Power of Touch
Never underestimate the power of a gentle touch. A soothing massage, a warm hug, or even holding hands can work wonders. It’s about physical comfort that reassures them they’re not alone in this. Plus, who doesn’t melt a little with a good scalp rub?
Consider Unconventional Treatment (Safely)
Here’s where we tread into ‘controversial’ territory — uconventional treatments like medical cannabis. Now, before you picture your five-year-old sporting a Rasta hat and quoting Bob Marley, let’s clear the air. Medical cannabis, under strict medical supervision, has shown promise in managing pain, particularly in conditions like multiple sclerosis and certain types of epilepsy in children and the cost of medical cannabis is getting lower all the time. Of course, before you go down this route, you should always consult with a paediatric specialist to explore this option thoroughly and legally.
Humour Heals
Laughter might not be the best medicine (that title still goes to actual medicine), but it’s a close second. Crack a joke, make a silly face, or even stage a mini, low-budget home comedy show. If you can make them giggle, you’re halfway there.
Keep Them in the Loop
Depending on their age, keep your child informed about what’s happening. Understanding their situation can reduce anxiety, which can actually exacerbate pain. Use age-appropriate explanations and maybe skip the medical jargon unless your toddler is also a budding medical student.
The Power of Praise
Celebrate their courage and resilience. Small victories like getting through a tough day or even cooperating during a doctor’s visit deserve recognition. Sometimes, a little “Well done, warrior!” can boost morale for the next battle.
Stay Positive, Stay Patient
Lastly, keep your spirits up. Your attitude can set the tone for theirs. Patience and positivity are contagious — luckily, unlike that flu going around last winter.
Parenting through pain isn’t easy, but you can do stay strong and do it for them!